
selections from my image bank

i've taken*most* of the text off this post so i can have more images. updated 7/26

images are keeping me up at night. i troll through more images in a day than you can shake a stick at. its an addiction for which there is no rehab...and if there was, i wouldnt go. i bought a hard drive JUST to hold my library of eye candy. I've selected a few of my favorites to leave with you while i am in San Francisco (land of fruits and nuts) for the next week or so. none of these are my own work. it is all stolen off the various design and art and culture places i routinely visit. Enjoy!

aren't these great? its the ian flemming/james bond series of paperback re-issues from Penguin. Looks like early 70's to me. I love these cover designs, they take on the look of those stylish intro sequences with dangerous and sexy women in silhouette. I cant find a reference to who designed those intros...is it marcel somebody??? Look at what they look like now: design has suffered in the last 2 decades...but i see a revival of hand drawing, and more analog techniques sort of killing off these kinds of hideous cut and paste disasters. This book cover is pitiful. i wouldnt buy this if i knew there were free cake batter ice cream tickets inside. grherhhaha

while looking around for something to post for last weeks mute monday on science, i came across these vintage paintings of the planets. i wish there had been enough images to post on the solar system but there wasnt. and no artist name either. here's mars:

looks like they are preparing tonights sushi special.... this ought to be a sweet little wake up call for the haters that think they never hurt anything since they dont eat "meat".

i love this just like i loved the FedEx carrier pigeon commercial if you haven't seen that video, treat yourself to a first class advertisement by clicking that link.

do you think it is possible to publish a magazine with a cover similar to this now? it cracks me up. its like true love pulp type romance gone very wrong in the post technological age. look at the army in the background....the colonization process has begun!  "we'll hang you men, and take your women!!! says "vlad the space impaler"  grrrherhahaha. "slaves to the metal horde" i like the sound of that!
compelling and terrifying. a lovely combination.

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Mute Monday: Science

observation: the first rule of scientific inquiry.
the master? Ernst Haeckel 1834 - 1919

join us! Mute Monday is a weekly multi-participant group project that visually addresses reader suggested themes. Click here to learn more, and be sure to visit the troll report to let everyone know you participated.

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